History of Legislative Actions

See all past MDHA actions below.

Foreign-Trained Dentist Bill Information 

Watch Past President Sarah Crow interview Rashmi Pillia, a dental hygienist who is also a foreign trained dentist and her thoughts on H.3880 An ace relative to dental hygienist reciprocal licensure. H.3880 would allow foreign-trained dentists to receive a dental hygiene license WITHOUTtaking and passing competency board exams. MDHA wants clear verbiage added to this bill that would ensure the safety of our patients and profession.

The 2023-2024 Massachusetts legislative session is in full swing, and we need your help to keep our legislative priorities moving. Four priority MDHA bills are currently before the Joint Committee on Public Health and face an impending deadline:

  • S.1357/H.2241An Act enabling trained dental hygienists to administer dermal fillers and botox (lead sponsors: Julian Cyr, Frank A. Moran, & Manny Cruz)
  • S.1379/H.2253An Act to improve oral health for all Massachusetts residents (lead sponsors: Adam Gomez & Smitty Pignatelli) 
  • S.1429/ H.2216An Act relative to dental hygienists (lead sponsors: Michael O. Moore & Smitty Pignatelli) 
  • H.2255An Act relative to the sustainability of public health dental hygienists through adequate reimbursements (lead sponsor: Smitty Pignatelli) 

S.1357/H.2241 would enable trained dental hygienists to administer dermal fillers and botox under the supervision of a dentist, enabling dental practices to provide an all-inclusive service for dental work and aesthetic treatments that simplifies medical visits and providers for patients. 

S.1379/H.2253 would create a midlevel oral health practitioner called a “dental therapist” in Massachusetts and address the continued gap in oral healthcare access across the state. Dental Therapists would provide both preventive and basic restorative services to meet identified patient needs for the patients most in need of care. 

We are also supporting S.1429/ H.2216, which would enable dental hygienists who have obtained a special permit and undergone the necessary training to administer nitrous oxide to patients while under the direct supervision of a dentist. H.2255 would allow public health dental hygienists (PHDHs) in Massachusetts to bill third-party insurance carriers for the services that they provide. As a result, this bill would increase the ability of patients on both public and private healthcare plans to access dental care in Massachusetts.  

Now, We Need Your Help! 

Before this date, the Committee needs to hear from Dental Hygienists on why these pieces of legislation are critical to the work that you do every day.

To help advance this legislation, please use the template below to write to the Chairs of the Joint Committee on Public Health, Senator Julian Cyr ([email protected]) and Representative Majorie Decker ([email protected]). When sending your email, please also CC committee staff ([email protected];  [email protected]

THANK YOU for your support of MDHA and your profession!

Past Legislative Actions

  • 2023 – 2024 Legislative Priorities
  • H2241/S1357: An Act enabling trained dental hygienists to administer dermal fillers and Botox
  • SD2062 / HD3952An Act Enabling Trained Dental Hygienists to Administer Dermal Fillers and Botox.
  • SD747 / HD111An Act to Improve Oral Health for All Massachusetts Residents.
  • SD653 / HD1127An Act Relative to the Sustainability of Public Health Dental Hygienists Through Adequate Reimbursements.
  • SD1594 / HD1814An Act Relative to Dental Hygienists. 

More Past Legislative Actions

Visit the MA Legislature site for more information!

For the contact information of the US Senators or Representatives for Massachusetts: